Aug 28, 2007
The Daughters of Juárez
For the few of you who may not know what I’m speaking of, The desert of Juárez holds a secret. For the last 15 years it has become the de facto graveyard for hundreds of dead girls. Ranging in age from very young into their early twenties these feminine corpses are screaming to be heard but few are listening. 15 years later the danger to any female who finds herself alone in the desert is just as great as it was when the first bodies were discovered in 1993.
There are theories of the crime and there have been investigations into the crime. People have been convicted of the crimes. The crimes continue.
When I received a copy of the new true crime tale THE DAUGHTERS OF JUÁREZ I dove right in. Written by Univision reporter Teresa Rodriguez, I expected a thoughtful and fact checked accounting of the history of El Paso’s sister city. What I got was much more. It is rare to read a true crime book that doesn’t rely on the writer’s supposition of facts. Rodriguez avoids this at all costs. She introduces us to the victims families, frustrated authorities and neighborhoods where people living in abstract poverty are doing their best to look out for one another. She relays interviews she’s conducted with people convicted of some of these crimes. She reports on forensics and government policies. She speaks of the socio-economical environment. Reports of traditional values held by the residents of Juárez . What she does with fact is BRING HOME THE HORROR OF THESE CRIMES.
By avoiding theory of the crime in her presentation Rodriguez maintains a credibility in this book that I rarely find in “true crime” novels. Instead she gives those of us living on this side of the border an insight into one of the most terrifying stories of our age. If a body falls in the desert will anyone hear it cry?
It is my hope that Rodriguez’s book will command the attention of two nations. For we need to listen to the cries. With the official death toll at over 450, continued silence is unacceptable.
I recommend this book to all who care about the state of our world.
Aug 25, 2007
The Crimespree Bouchercon Party 2007
E-mail invites have gone out but just in case Crimespree missed you or your E-mail doesn't care for invitations sent out en masse here it is. We've scheduled the event so that everyone can attend the Bouchercon Guest of Honor event at eight p.m.
Speaking of Guests of Honor, we will be giving out the annual Crimespree Awards at the party and we're pleased to say that all but one of our award winners will be in attendance. This years award winners are
Best Book of 2006
Sean Doolittle - THE CLEANUP
Best Ken Bruen Book of the Year
Best Continuing Series
Lee Child-Jack Reacher Series
Crimespree Contributor of the Year- Anthony Rainone
& with a drum roll
when Crimespree created the Reacher Award it's intent was to honor an author who seemed to proportionately give back to the community more and more even as their sales increased. Whether Ms. Harris is giving advice to a new writer, encouraging a first time author, catching up with folks she's known for the twenty years she's been in this business, signing an autograph, or through the books themselves enriching the life of a single reader there is no doubt she gives back many times every day. We are happy to add Charlaine's name to the two who have gone before (Lee Child & Michael Connelly). In mystery there are many special people and Charlaine Harris is and individual who teaches the rest of us through her actions and words every day.

Aug 23, 2007
Don Bruns - Stuff To Die For

Don followed this up with Jamaica Blue, another St Martins book with Mike Seaver. This time Mike is in Jamaica and gets caught up in a true mystery steeped in Reggae. Another truly great book which I reviewed when it came out.

Book three in the series came out from Oceanview Publishing, a really nice independant publishing house. South Beach Shakedown was another terrific book and Don kept getting better and better.

Don has now just sarted a new series and the first books is a real knockout. Stuff To Die For sees two slackers named James Lessor and Skip Moore trying to improve their lot in life. After a surprise windfall James buys a truck and they go in to business for themselves moving people and their stuff. As fate would have it their luck holds true and they get caught up in a real nightmare when they discover a bloody finger in with the stuff they are moving on their first job. The peolple who removed said finger aren't too far behind.
Bruns writing has a very smooth natural flow and is a real pleasure to read.
Don's website has all sorts of fun stuff for his readers and you can go there from here:Official Don Bruns Website
Aug 21, 2007
Another Comic Writing Mystery Author

Last year at Bouchercon, The World Mystery Convention I moderated a panel of mystery writers who also write comics. David Morrell, Denise Mina, Gary Phillips and Max Allan Collins.
During the course of the panel the question of who else might do comics and I said that DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI would be perfect.

Moon Knight Annual #1
Pencils by JEFTE PAOLO
Some people come to New York City looking for a knight in shining armor. Or just a warm body who can help you through the lonely hours. Be careful what you look for. Hot crime novelist Duane Swierczynski (“The Blonde”) and Jefte Paolo bring you the story of three women whose lives intersect in strange and deadly ways, two predators who stalk the city streets at night, and one shock ending you won’t see coming. No matter how many bad dates you’ve had.
Duane also has a few other things coming down the line from Marvel as well.

Duane talks about it on his very own blog: Secret Dead Blog
Aug 19, 2007
Atticus Kodiak is Back

Greg Rucka
August 28th, 2007
Greg Rucka’s seminal hero, Atticus Kodiak has been THE action hero in thrillers for over a decade. Kodiak took the mantle from such characters as Smiley and Bourne at the pen of one of fiction’s finest storytellers with stunning detachment. He moved the traditional intelligent thriller nonchalantly from the government clutches to the private sector while preserving all the traditional thriller hero’s internal conflict, natural abilities and stealthy resolve.
With PATRIOT ACTS Rucka returns to a world where the clandestine meets up in a web of private business and big government. The novel begins in Upstate New York, a deadly situation that soon goes terribly wrong for Kodiak and his team. An insider gives them up and Kodiak and the formidable “Drama” wait and train patiently to exact their revenge. The op, when begun, is “must read book”. Set throughout the world and in many different U.S. locations, PATRIOT ACTS is a Global thriller. Rucka is so grounded in presention of place, that you will travel with Kodiak from Washington state to Washington D.C. wishing you'd packed a suitcase.
What Rucka continues to do with Kodiak is present top notch plots with a flawed character you cannot dislike. The very fact that Kodiak questions his own motivations and wonders where the line between right and wrong is drawn makes this character highly sympathetic. The fact that Rucka builds all of his characters without taking many breaks in the action of the story and even fewer in the dialog makes PATRIOT ACTS one of the year’s most visual books.
Living in a world of paid assassins and financial privilege, being in love, and demanding vengeance for the doomed are classic thriller points that Rucka and Kodiak stoke with new flames. Intelligent, frightening and written in many shades of gray, PATRIOT GAMES will have you wondering where the moral line and public good meet. Rucka will leave you waiting for the next chapter in his epic and smart tale.
Ruth Jordan
Rarely does Crimespree post reviews of new books on our website before they make the magazine. The strength of this novel inspired me to do so. Rucka is a compelling writer whose work in prose benefits greatly from his work with the graphic novel and visa-versa. No one writing today has quite the same style or visual awareness of how words can paint the story and propel it forward with a breathtaking pace. Descriptive paragraphs can indeed be hidden in action. Characters can be refined with a simple task and defined within dialog. When Rucka writes he uses all of the tools a writer has at his disposal; that he does it with the equivalent of an illusionist's slight of hand makes his books a form of magic. Sparse and lean and full of muscle mass, Rucka's work is Novel on steroids. On Sale everywhere August 28th!
Aug 16, 2007
New Anthology - TALES OF ZORRO
Here's a link to my rite up on the weekend: Central Comic Zone
A really nice crew of folks and they are also publishing some really cool stuff. They are doing some comics of some of the great pup characters, they are doing Kolchak novels and comics and Buckaroo Banzai as well.

Tales of Zorro
Edited by Richard Dean Starr
Written by: Isabel Allende, Max Allan Collins, Peter David, Loren D. Estleman
Interior Art: Ruben Procopio
Cover Art: Douglas Klauba
288pgs, b/w, Squarebound, 6”x9”, $16.95
LTD ed. HC = $129.99
10 digit: 1-933076-31-3
13 digit: 978-1-933076-31-7
Moonstone Books is proud to present Tales of Zorro, a brand-new anthology featuring eighteen tales of the fox--the first collection of original Zorro short fiction ever published!
Including the work of: Isabel Allende, Max Allan Collins, Greg Cox, A.C. Crispin, Peter David, Loren D. Estleman, Ed Gorman Nancy Holder, Guy Williams, Jr., Jan Adkins, Robin Wayne Bailey, Mike Bullock, Robert Greenberger Tim Lasiuta, Jeff Mariotte, Elizabeth Massie, Robert Morrish, Kathleen O’Malley, Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin, and Jean Schanberger.
With stunning cover artwork by Spectrum award-winner Douglas Klauba and original interior illustrations by legendary Disney animator and sculptor Ruben Procopio!

**Available in both a trade paperback and special numbered hardcover limited edition signed by the contributors AND with a new cover by legendary Sherlock Holmes and Peter Pan illustrator Sergio Martinez!
Moonstone can be found on line here: Moonstone
Aug 14, 2007
A Hero's Life: Raul Hilberg
Aug 10, 2007
100 Bullets - Building to big finish

The latest trade collection is out, volume 11 called ONCE UPON A CRIME. The minutemen are all back and the members of The Trust is in a scramble to take charge. Agent Graves has been putting together the plan for this confrontation for a while and it's all coming to a head. People are picking sides and watching thier backs gearing up for what coming. This volume has a lot of action and almost all the players are here. Loose ends are being tied up, and the minutemen are getting ready for a full blown war.

Eduardo Risso has created a real signature look for the books and his work here is spectacular. You feel the heat in the desert, the bleakness inthe warehouses.
If you haven't read this series, you should really pick it up. All the trade collections are available and I suggest you pick up #1 and get into it now.
Aug 7, 2007
More Fables Please

Fables: Legends in Exile Trade
There’s a nice rundown here about the series:

Fables is without a doubt my very favorite comic to read right now. I want more more more.
So please Bill, Mr. Willingham, I beg you, please drink more coffee, or tea, or red bull. If you need more let me know, we’ll send some. I’m sure there are other fans out there willing to help as well.
Aug 3, 2007
Once Upon A Crime
bought a bookstore. Sir Stillwell, one of mysteryland’s favored knights was happy that two such wonderful people would
run the store he started. Prince Gary and Princess Pat loved running the bookstore. People came from all around to buy
books, and to sign books and to just spend time with the happy booksellers. After a few years an evil wizard called
leukemia cast a spell on Prince Gary. But the valiant prince fought back, and with the help of his brother who gave Gary
some of his magic bone marrow our hero triumphed. All in the land were happy. To celebrate the Prince and Princess
waited till the fifth anniversary of their buying the book shoppe and got married. Minister Jim who was there to help
Gary fight the plague sent by the evil wizard was on hand to perform this joyous ceremony. And where did it take place?
In the book shoppe of course! And true to their second love, an hour later they hosted a signing event!
Congratulations to two of our favorite people in the world. May all your days be happy and mysterious!