Official Press release of where the money came from and where it went.
Bouchercon 2004:Murder Among the Maples
Press Release / Communiqué
1500 Mystery Authors, Booksellers & Fans Donate $30,000 to Literacy
TORONTO - More than 400 days after Bouchercon 2004: The World Mystery Convention was held (7-10 October 2004 in Toronto), cheques totaling $30,000.00 were presented to literacy groups at a wrap-up reception and dinner on Friday 18 November 2005 at the CN Tower, the World’s Tallest Free Standing Structure here in Toronto.
Cathy Mann, Executive Director of the Frontier College Foundation—for more than a century the prime source of literacy programmes and personnel in Canada—received a cheque for $25,000.00 from Al Navis, Chairman and Host of the convention. The funds will be earmarked for the recruitment of more qualified tutors all across the country.
Peter Steven who sits on the Board of Directors for Parkdale – Project Read—a 30-year old community literacy program—was also there to receive a cheque for $5,000.00 which will go to expanding their current physical space among other expenses.
In years past, it was the tradition to forward any surplus funds to future conventions but that seemed to fall by the wayside a few years ago, so when the convention was awarded to Toronto in 2001, the Toronto Executive Committee decided that if there were to be a surplus after all legitimate expenses were paid, literacy programmes would benefit.
It was also announced that a further donation of $1,000.00 would be targeted for Cincinnati Media who have been give the dauntless task of assembled and running a permanent Bouchercon website which would not only have links to future conventions but would also be a living archive for all previous conventions. It is hoped by the Toronto Committee that future Bouchercons follow suit and continue to fund this necessary on-going project. Finally, by running a totally transparent convention, financially speaking, and by donating all surplus funds to legitmate charities, it is the fervent wish of the Toronto Committee that past Bouchercons who haven’t yet made their financial positions clear, do so now and that all future events operate in a likewise transparent manner.
It is only with this model that the Bouchercon movement can continue in an era with the Internet, regional conventions, more author tours, increased travel expenses and inconvenience and a gradually declining collector’s/reader’s base.
For all the authors, booksellers, fans, agents and publishers who attended the Toronto Bouchercon, on behalf of all the people who will learn how to read and write because of your attendance, we thank you!
On page three (3) of this release is a summary of the finances.Al Navis, Chairman and Host,Bouchercon 2004, Metro Toronto Convention Centre,7-10 October 2004BOUCHERCON 2004
OCTOBER 7-10, 2004
(Expressed in Canadian dollars)
Memberships (1,078) $ 222,789
Banquet tickets (582) $39,208
Program book advertising space $23,883
Dealers’ room space rentals $8,336
Auction proceeds $8,513
EXPENDITURESRental of facilities $81,995
Rental of equipment/furnishings $17,115
Banquet $34,932
Opening reception $12,978
Program books and booklets $11,818
Guests-of-Honour travel and hotel expenses $18,169
Committee members hotel expenses $11,920
Committee members post-convention dinner $3,216
Promotion and advertising $21,447
Website design and operations $13,778
Professional advisory services $15,970
Tote bags $4,061
Lapel pins $1,527
Anthony Award sculptures $2,835
Registration services $3,000
Security services $2,103
Signage $1,719
Revenue processing charges $7,252
Insurance $1,080
Accounting $850
Other administrative, office and sundry $3,799
Contribution to Internet Mastersight design $1,165
Frontier College Learning Foundation $ 25,000
Toronto Parkdale - Project Read $5,000
Total $ 30,000Approved by the Board of Directors
“A.M. Navis” Director “J. Beal” Director
A.M. Navis - Chair J.N. Beal, CA - Chief Financial Officer