Jan 15, 2008

Guest Blogger

Jon and I were recently interviewed and asked our “hobbies”. I declared mine to be mystery and so it is. I passionately believe in good books. Sinking between the sheets and finding a book that makes you forget bedtime is still the most glorious feeling in the world. Everything that has come to me as a member of the mystery community comes from this most basic beginning. My “mystery” may be different than most, but no less or more enthusiastic. There is no such thing as an average fan.
This morning was a morning to remember. I worked hard this past weekend. Crimespree reviews for the upcoming issue. Bouchercon ‘08 commitments. I still had time for the Pack, barely… and I’m glad that game will be in the cold at Lambeau although I’d hoped for a Cowboys confrontation. And then I realized I’ll be in Houston.
It is a year full of commitments for “Team Jordan”, Crimespree and Ruth, a woman who drifted on-line one night and found a book club called Womans’ Mystery Wednesdays. This is a year I know will go well and smoothly because of the people in my life. There are personal bumps that I know the mystery community will help get me through, and professional bumps that the books will see me through in just one night.
The magic of this community is that people seem to know even when they don’t know specifics. Jon and I are trying to keep up with the blog, make it something special. And this January we have our first guest blogger. She’s a lady who’s given me many nights of her hard work in the form of books read nonstop from beginning to end. Her fans all enjoyed a real treat last year when she brought back a character we were all afraid we might not see again, married her with a subject she mastered in another AWARD WINNING series, and created one of my favorite reading experiences ever. And on the bookshelves now….

You’re all mystery readers, don’t you want to guess???
Up next a real intro…. but please guess first. it’s always fun.

The author in question is giving up some signed books to the first 5 people who can guess the identity of our mystery guest blogger.
The guest post goes up Friday, so you have till then to leave a comment with your guess, or email us at:
info @crimespreemag.com


Anonymous said...

Afriad I haven't a single clue. No doubt it could be sleuthed with the references to Houston, Green Bay, etc. For now I'll say Sara Paretsky. No reason why.

ruth the crimespree gal said...

Thanks for getting the ball rolling Steve, but no book for you. As far as settings go, this writer never stays in one place long although in her cas home is where the heart is.