Ok, to start with, I really did get a crowbar to the face this morning.
We had a week in Baltimore, came home and Judy B and I have been scrambling and shifting and rearranging trying to get the panels for Bouchercon finalized. We're close to done and a lot of folks have been notified, and some more will still be getting notified as we fine tune the machine. My first day back to work at the day job was a bit of a disappointment, but more on that later.
It's an interesting experience doing the whole thing. It's easy to come up with SOME panels. It's another story trying to do all of them. We came up with a pretty cool list, and then we started inserting names and playing with the time slots. Changes have been made and will be made some more. Our main goal is trying to get interesting combinations of people together. Things like having an author moderate a panel that may not normally be something they would do. What we are really trying to do is show off the authors.
We are also naming all the panels after songs. So the titles all have the artist listed in parentheses after them. They each also have the topic of discussion. Some song titles are more appropriate than others, some just sound really cool.
When all is said and done I think the programming in Baltimore will be entertaining and enjoyable. I think that people will find a lot of things they want to see.

While I now we can't make everyone happy with the panel assignments we really have tried. And hopefully no one will be disappointed enough to do to me what I did to myself today. I think when it's all said and done and we are in Baltimore everyone will have a great time.
I had an accident a year or so ago where one of my teeth collapsed. And yes, its bizarre how there's no pain. Its like they just disintegrate.
Oh and from what I'm hearing, youse guys are doing a great job with the panels. Looking forward to it all.
!!!! Get thee to a dentist PRONTO!
Jesus, Dude ... what Sarah said. Get to the dentist. And take care of the big lip.
Ice, ice, baby.
Well, if you don't find a dentist, maybe we could get a t-shirt made for you to wear at Bouchercon.
"I complained about my panel assignment and look at me now."
Seriously, I hope you find a dentist quickly and that the process isn't too painful. Take care of yourself!
You poor thing!! I am sure that your lip will have reduced in size come October but in all seriousness you need to go and see a dentist NOW! I hope that you have done so already.
Dentist trip a success. I fell asleep during the work to my mouth.
I like my dentist!
Mondays suck since Garfield said they did... or at least that was my case. And a crowbar to the face, I can't imagine a punch like that one. Not even Cialis could get me up after that.
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