Mar 4, 2005


Aliens Vs. Predator
I heard some pretty bad reviews for this. However the fanboy in me was to intrigued not to pick it up. I was a huge fan of the Dark Horse comics.

I liked it. I thought the woman in the lead role was great and she kickied ass and did'nt bother taking names. The whole cast was good. Lance Hendrickson is great. And ther story sts up what happens later, a cool prequel. Maybe not enough action for some, that might be why there were less than favorable reviews. But it's moody, dark and fast. A great story idea. Set in an Anarctica it is as close to an alien landscape as you'll find on earth.

Maybe not a great movie, but it is for sure a good movie. Better than Jason Vs. Freddy, which I also enjoyed, for different reasons.

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