I love Queen, Paul Rodgers doesn't do much for me. He's a good singer, but not really a stand out for me. Not like some of the guys and gals I really love. So I was a little nervous going in, thinking it could be really great or really wrong. Well, it was really great. Rodgers nailed the vocals. I'll admit, could have done with out the couple of Bad Company songs they did, but that's me, I burned out on Bad Company in the eighties, too many drunken nights with the turntable....

However tonight in Milwaukee Paul Rodgers convinced me he should indeed be touring with Queen. Just the fact that they all were having so much fun was worth seeing. Add great performances to the mix and you've got a hell of a evening.
Brian May was amazing, of course. I believe he is an underappreciated genius. Rogder Taylor was great on drums. This was truly what rock and roll is all about. Some nice solos, a few slow songs, and even a couple teary moments when they mentioned Freddie Mercury. I actually couldn't sing along because I was getting choked up, I'm such a girl.

Queen got me through being a teenager. For my sister it was Patti Smith, Mark Billingham had Morrisey, for me it was Queen and Supertramp. Queen made growing up easier for me and I'll never really be able to thank them for that. And now years later, here they are makingme happy all over again.
And tonight made me very happy, The band was happy, the audience was happy, it was really great. Especially Radio Ga Ga and Under Preussure. Paul Rodgers NAILED the David Bowie vocal.
To check out
Queen and Paul Rodgers
on line just click the link. (That's where I found the photos.) Queen and Paul Rodgers
And on the off chance Brian May or Rodger Tayor or John Deacon see this: Thanks Guys. I owe you.
For me it was Mozart. I first heard Classical when I was 14. My father bought a new car (Buick Regal, I think) and it came with an audiocassette. Classical on one side, pop on the other. I was hooked on the A side on first listen.
Queen was my very first concert, the JAZZ tour in 1979. Needless to say, I was blown away, and became a Queen fan for life.
Thanks for the review, Jon. I wasn't sure about Paul Rogers either. I also burnt out on Bad Co. Where I grew up you had to like Bad Co., or you couldn't be cool. It was in the city's bylaws.
Yep. Supertramp. They were huge here in Milwaukee. They always sold out at least two shows. A little pop-ish but I just really like them. A lot more then, but I still enjoy it.
Queen however I can listen to anytime day or night in any mood.
Now that I think about it, Supertramp was the hot band in Wisconsin in 1979 (when Breakfast came out). My summer girlfriend has a friend from Wisconsin out visiting and I remember her saying how popular Supertramp was. I think she was from Menemonee Falls.
They were okay, I guess. But in 1979, they were way overplayed and I got burnt on them. Goodbye Stranger was okay. But their best song was Give A Little Bit. Which was recently remade by the Goo Goo Dolls. Good cover...!
Good point. Once I discovered pot Pink Floyd was there for a lot of my teenage years. The Clash too.
And then I started drinking a lot in college and got in to New Wave.....
Nowadays I listen to everything except new country and blatent pop.
It never ceases to amaze me our similar tastes - Queen was a big deal for me, because as a kid whose parents came from India in the 1950's to England - it was hard being the only black / indian kid in the school - I had no one in the media that I could look up to until Freddie Mercury came along - and although Indian [via Africa], he was still Indian -
Man that made me proud
As did the late Kossoff [of Free], as he too was not of English parents - so seeing Paul R fronting Queen [when I saw them in London] was an experince that only you could elequantly describe.
Great post Jon
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