Rescue Me Season Four
Anyone who has seen this show knows that it is full of bittersweet moments. Leary’s character Tommy Gavin is a man troubled by many things and in turns tends to make many bad decisions. The people around him are similar, if not to the same extremes. But what makes this such a great show and so utterly watchable is the fact that everyone on this show is so believable. There is definitely some extreme behavior, but I’ve know people who have acted like this for real. Every episode I watch has me rooting for these folks to succeed, yet leaving me not the least surprised if they don’t.
I think what this season is about is not so much redemption, but acceptance. Accepting that you can’t control life, only make the best of it. There is a wonderful little speech at the end in the last episode by Lou at a baseball game that compares life to baseball that really wraps it up nicely. This is immediately followed by one of the best acted scenes I’ve ever seen Leary do. He and his Father played by Charles Durning are having a real bonding experience at a ball game. This is the front of a montage showing various characters with the Cars “let the good times roll” playing in the background. As the camera comes to rest on Leary and Durning and then pulls back and fades into the credits I got choked up. Sadness, understanding and satisfaction filled.
Bittersweet to the very last, and some of the best TV I’ve ever watched.
It is my ideal show. I watch all the episodes of Rescue Me .There are many remarkable moments in this show which I can't forget.
It seems in that cover that he took Generic Cialis and it ended up working on his neck, look at it, it's really long
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