Feb 13, 2006

Hellblazer # 216

I have copies of this to give away to people willing to send a postcard.

If you would like to check out the first issue of Denise Mina's Run on this series send a postcard to:

536 south 5th street
Milwaukee WI 53204

I'll need your address on the back so if you win the drawing I can send it out.

I'm doing half through this site and the other half through the next issue of Crimespree.

By the way, It's really good. Damn good.


Anonymous said...

Who did the art? The cover is very cool. I just added it to my ever-growing screensaver slideshow.

Jon The Crime Spree Guy said...

The Cover artist for this run on Hellblazer is Greg Lauren.

He rocks. Totally gets the Hellblazer feel and mood.

Unknown said...

That is some great art, outstanding, Greg really knows what he is doing, no need to go to a Viagra Pharmacy with art like this one.